Wednesday 9 September 2009

This day 10 years ago

This day 10 years ago, it was 21 degrees centegrade, I took my green jumper off because my seat in the classroom was in direct contact with the sun's rays; flooding the room through the windows with the broken blinds. I was sitting in one of my first math's lessons in my first week of being a high school student.

We were starting geometry.

I remember flipping through my brand new homework diary, and being all excited about my new educational environment and thinking to myself 'I won't foget this scene on the day of 9th day of the 9th month of the year 1999'. My memory kept true to my word.

Now it is ten years since that sunny day, I don't use geometry. But I reminice happily about a time full of carefree days where the only worry was finishing the homework I'd fogotten to do in the morning with everyone else in the school foyey, crouched down on the floor with books spread out everywhere.

Now I have finished my education, and sit doing nothing, but with less regrets than what I could have ended up with.

*sigh* oh well.


  1. My school didn't rock, but there was good times.

  2. Uni is still great, minus the exams. You should follow your mothers footsteps and become a teacher...

  3. everyone keeps telling me that. I'd like to do it, true, but I hate stroppy teenagers.


    DAMN I miss that foyer.
