Thursday, 28 May 2009

Want to hear a secret?

I have recently been spending some of my time today to look for jobs, something I've tried to postpone for as long as possible, because I know I'll get depressed by my lack of experience, brains and confidence. But I finaly got myself to those search options when I came across a manga where the main character watched anime 2 days straight because she was heart broken. Then I thought to myslef... omg I'm acting like some pitiful heartbroken girl and I'm still single, moreover; I've been treating job rejections as though they were some form of lost romantic love?!!!?

Once I had made this horrid self realisation about the way I've been spending my days, I thought I should face the music and look for some form of employment. But omg it's so hard to make myself look and face the music!!! I can't find anything I like even if I could find something I could do! I simply lack the motivation and drive to look for jobs.

Then I made another self-realisation, or rather re-discovery as I think I've always known this thing about me but didn't really want to own up to it; I always focus my total concentratiuon when ever I draw or write. It's the only thing that manga can't get in the way of. I could draw for days and weeks and years. And I'd love doing it. I'd get stressed out if there was a paticular deadline, but I would still love it. So I know a huge part of myself wants to just draw and write, and I would feel so honoured for it if I got paid while doing it. Because it's something I love.

But lets look at the practical aspects here. A girl with a science degree, from a science family, with an incredibly overly-logical father simply won't be able to even express her desire of drawing/writing professionally let alone actually draw/write proffessionally.

So here comes the typical filmic dilemma: get a job that you'll be bored an stuck with for the rest of your life to make money and carry on living the same boring life. Or 'live the dream' and draw forever and ever!? Make a name for yourself in history and make sure you can somehow change the world with your writing!?

This is simply a case of practically vs passion.

Passion never wins. But why don't I take a gamble?

Because I don't gamble, or take risks, I've always played it safe, always stuck by the rules, never been spontaneous.

But I don't like being tied down to an organisation either and being another face amoungst the crowd. I seriously want to make an impact to society, I want to be the person talking to the crowd. I don't like being restrained to a set schedual everyday. I want to plan my own days and make my own rules.

So what do I do? Play it safe, or face a hell of a lot of drama to do what I want to do?


  1. ok right now youre doing neither and just complaining

    SO for now, while youre out of work, do your drawings and writing, be productive in what you enjoy

    you know my answer is gonna be the dream and the passion, and i know its tough with parental and familial expectations (trust me, i definitely know, i live in saudi for god sake)

    i always want you to draw and write, from now till the end of time, my answer will always be that you should draw and write...youre amazing at both and i wont let you see it throw it aside

    i know im not being practical, i know these kind of passion dont pay i know these passions disrupt the family, but life is short and sometimes things need to be embraced, plus were all still young and have our whole lives ahead of us, were allowed to make mistakes, were not suppose to know what we want to do with our lives

    and if you have reached this point, close the window and go draw something, youve got the time, youve got the talent and most of all you have the passion

    whats stopping you right now this very second
    just go have fun

    if you end up in boring job, that doesn't mean you drawing stops, no matter what, passions are one thing that cant be lost UNLESS we ourselves neglect them, if a passion is lost we cant blame it on external factors like a job or family, its in our control to channel that passion effectively and not let it go to waste

    draw and write your heart out
    and i will do whatever is in my simple power to see that your work gets out there in the world, if thats what you want

    go for it (wow. i am so hippy, arent i)

  2. LOL my comment is as long as your post!

  3. Okay, I will start writing immediately. I'll draw out the plan right now and e-mail it to you for editing caphiche?
