Saturday, 23 May 2009

I have lost my inability to care!

A strange talent is the ability to just not care or bother about the petty things in life, and sometimes the big things in life.... It can sometimes help maintain sanity.

BUT! Now I have realised that over the past 2 years I have lost this inability to care, and I've become so up-tight about the most stupidest of things.. they're so stupid that I can't even remember what they are... This has resulted in me being more angry, uncomfortable and sensitive.

Hmm... I need to stop caring/bothering/noticing again, how best should I try and regain this talent???


  1. Take another degree. You'll soon stop caring. and perhaps lose the will to live.

  2. I say start from scratch and re evaluate yourself. Once you do some hardcore soul searching and introspection, you find yourself 'not bothering' anymore. But doing it this way is a more peaceful way of no longer bothering, than an angry 'I can't be bothered witht he arse-y ness of the world anymore'.

    You'll find yourself more relaxed, less uptight, and less sensitive too. In short, you'll be happy..

  3. OR you could just go and get laid. I hear that helps.

    (I bet this is going to get deleted)

  4. lol! no I won't delete it. :P

    But yes, I think once my life gets into some sort of stability I'll be less uptight.

  5. i was gonna go with the laid comment as well, except my terminology may have been more vulgar lol

    huni, just smile, life is awesome, if it isnt, who cares, just smile, let it radiate

    put some music on and dance, just shake your anger away
