Friday, 19 June 2009

The worst way to be called fat...

Is by a seven year old boy who first says that you're fat, then he says you've gotten fatter, then calls you an elephant....

I was positively stunned.


  1. Arab kids...they just don't understand when to shut up lol

    kids in general, but the use of the Arabic language makes it more profound i think

    im just assuming now that this is your cousin

    plus, only Arabs would focus on weight change "you're too thin" "now you're too fat" "you should loose weight" "you know you really ought to gain a few pounds"...and if you do have perfect body, then obviously you have some other fault and deficiency in you


  2. i dont think anybody really means it when they say "you're too fat, you're too thin". I mean come on, people like aunties barely see you, they just cant keep their mouth shut about how you've changed. if they say you need to eat more just take it as a compliment, if they say u need to eat less it means you look healthy enough.

    little kids on the other hand have been brainwashed by the adults around them to think that people are fat or thin. its not like they know what a BMI is.

    and agreed mona, on finding other faults if it isn't body weight. clearly if you were blessed with a perfect body there's something else wrong with your personality.

  3. OMG how did you know he was arab? yes he's egyptian, I can forgive his rather evil-ish traits cus he's rather sick at the moment, but really, I can understand that he was doing it as a joke, but obviously there must be some truth in 'you're too fat' if a child notices it... I remember that I only noticed severly obese people when I was a kid, someone with a slightly high BMI I never considered fat...
    So I got kinda worried, and scince my aunt's come to london I've eaten more than I should.. her cooking is amazing.

    Soo true, if one should have a perfect body (which btw doesn't exist in this world) then you have a mucked up personality.... probably as a result of thinking you have an perfect body...
