Yesterday a strange occurrence occurred: 4 members of the family where in Miss. Pain in The Ass's room, screaming at the computer screen; shouting 'GOOOOAAAALLLL!!!!'.
Let me explain in detail: as part of the semi finals for the African cup of Nations 2010, Egypt faced one of their previous defeaters on the pitch, Algeria. I'm actually sad that so much animosity resides between the two countries, we are both arab, and muslim, so it's just disappointing in the face of the united muslim nations.
Anyway, Algeria unfortunately defeated us and achieved qualification to the world cup competition, what was more unfortunate was the riots and allegations on both teams of treachery and malicious schemes that followed afterwards, such as food poisoning 7 out of the 11 Egyptian team members by the courtesy of the Algerians. But everything was settled equivocally by yesterdays match: 4-0.
Justice has been served.
But let me go into more detail. Due to a faint at a penalty by the Egyptians, the goal keeper went err.. undisciplined, starting staring down the ref and pretty much shouting to him right in his face.... got a yellow card, unbelievable right... he should've been taken off right there and then, but it was inevitable and he was taken off the pitch in the second half just when things were very very desperate for the Algerian team. in the second half things just fell to pieces for the Algerians, a few men were booked, and 3 were banished from the pitch, they had virtually no defenders and we scored 3 more goals. Zidan even cradled his left shoe as celebration.
Is it okay for me to say, that I felt sorry for the Algerian team, even though they're going to the world cup, even though they played dirty, even though they have a temper like a billowing typhoon? Hmm, someone always has to loose.
Dad was in a very good mood, and kept reciting 'Himuluation!' as we got a goal, we tried to correct him and say 'no baba, it's Humiliation' but he was too happy to be corrected.
Would you believe that all this time my grandmother was having chest pain and angina, not something unusual when you have a history of CVD and heart attacks, accompanied by about 3 stents in your coronary arteries. What could we do? my mum was with her all the time. She's better now, I just feel bad that I enjoyed the match so much.
Let me explain in detail: as part of the semi finals for the African cup of Nations 2010, Egypt faced one of their previous defeaters on the pitch, Algeria. I'm actually sad that so much animosity resides between the two countries, we are both arab, and muslim, so it's just disappointing in the face of the united muslim nations.
Anyway, Algeria unfortunately defeated us and achieved qualification to the world cup competition, what was more unfortunate was the riots and allegations on both teams of treachery and malicious schemes that followed afterwards, such as food poisoning 7 out of the 11 Egyptian team members by the courtesy of the Algerians. But everything was settled equivocally by yesterdays match: 4-0.
Justice has been served.
But let me go into more detail. Due to a faint at a penalty by the Egyptians, the goal keeper went err.. undisciplined, starting staring down the ref and pretty much shouting to him right in his face.... got a yellow card, unbelievable right... he should've been taken off right there and then, but it was inevitable and he was taken off the pitch in the second half just when things were very very desperate for the Algerian team. in the second half things just fell to pieces for the Algerians, a few men were booked, and 3 were banished from the pitch, they had virtually no defenders and we scored 3 more goals. Zidan even cradled his left shoe as celebration.
Is it okay for me to say, that I felt sorry for the Algerian team, even though they're going to the world cup, even though they played dirty, even though they have a temper like a billowing typhoon? Hmm, someone always has to loose.
Dad was in a very good mood, and kept reciting 'Himuluation!' as we got a goal, we tried to correct him and say 'no baba, it's Humiliation' but he was too happy to be corrected.
Would you believe that all this time my grandmother was having chest pain and angina, not something unusual when you have a history of CVD and heart attacks, accompanied by about 3 stents in your coronary arteries. What could we do? my mum was with her all the time. She's better now, I just feel bad that I enjoyed the match so much.
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