Monday, 9 November 2009

Quick Midnight Rant

CPG = Central Pattern generators, responsible for rhythmic locomotion like walking or swimming. No need for sensory stimulus or commands from cortex/descending tracts of the Spinal Cord.

CPGs were firstly identified in invertebrates such as the tadpole and Lamprey (what the hell is a lamprey?)

Glycinergic = inhinbitory (maintains Left-Right alternation)

Glutamatergic = excitatory (maintains Left-Right synchrony)

Blocking GABA receptors affects rythm, hence, anatgonising them will cause higher frequency of motor output.

GABA important in patterning locomotion in early embryonic life.

GABA later replaced by glycinergic inhibitory systems, and glutamatergic excitatory systems.

I'm supposed to know much more than this.

1 comment:

  1. sweetie you can just make it up and sound like you know what youre talking about.
    like you told me.
    good luck dear! xxxxx
